The burden of visual impairment
Gianni Virgili, University of Florence, Italy
Beyond the current technological frontiers and visual rehabilitation
Keane Pearce, Moorfields Eye Hospital, UK
Reading disorders due to lesions along the visual pathways
Susanne Trauzettel-Klosinsky, University of Tuebingen, Germany
Using your visually impaired eye better: strategies for correct visual rehabilitation
Donald C. Fletcher, MD, Wichita, KS, USA
Low Vision and the Brain: function, plasticity and restoration
Bernhard Sabel, Magdeburg, Germany
1) Low Vision Organizations and Services: international experiences – Models of Vision Rehabilitation care worldwide
Introduced by the Keynote lecture of Prof. Gianni Virgili – Italy, University of Florence – Italy
The burden of visual impairment
2) Beyond the current technological frontiers and visual rehabilitation
Introduced by the keynote lecture by Prof. Keane Pearce – UK, Moorfields Eye Hospital – UK
AI for prevention of blindness and low vision
3) The Path to Deeper Visual Re-Modulation
Introduced by the Keynote lecture by Prof. Dr. Susanne Trauzettel-Klosinsky – Germany, University of Tuebingen, Head of Visual Rehabilitation Research Unit – Germany
Key points in building strategies to compensate for vision loss
4) Using your visually impaired eye better: strategies for correct visual rehabilitation
Introduced by the Keynote lecture by Prof. Dr. Donald C. Fletcher – US, Envision – Wichita KS, EVRC Medical Director – USA
Clinical pearls for a successful low vision rehabilitation
5) Improve the perception: neuromodulation and more
Introduced by the Keynote lecture by Prof. Bernhard Sabel – Germany
Vision restoration from a holistic perspective: means and mechanism to reactivate silent neurons